Founder and Managing Director of Weatherweb Dr. Simon Keeling is author of several books and a DVD about the weather. Some are for specialised interests such as sailors, others are of more general use for gardeners, walkers and golfers.
Simon's latest book, 'GRIB for Sailors' is available now, and can be ordered below. For those who want to know more about the weather and how it works, the Weather Why's DVD is ideal. If you know someone who walks, climbs, flys, sails or has a general interest in the weather then this DVD makes an ideal gift.
You can see samples and purchase books and DVD's directly from this website and payment is made via our secure server using your credit or debit card.
ADD TO CART- £19.99
Weather is the national obsession, but what causes the weather and how does it work?
The Weather Whys DVD explains the fascinating world of weather to beginners and experts alike. It's ideal for pilots, sailors, farmers, anglers, walkers and anyone with an interest in the great outdoors.
There are 35 short videos, each lasting around 2 to 5 minutes and explains how the weather works clearly, concisely and without reference to complex equations. In total the DVD contains over 2-hours of the most invaluable weather teaching.
Written and produced by television weather expert Dr. Simon Keeling, Weather Whys introduces meteorology and shows how you can have a go at DVD forecasting.
If the weather fascinates you, isn't it time you got Weather Whys?
Watch a sample video from the 'Weather Whys?' DVD here - 1
Watch a sample video from the 'Weather Whys?' DVD here - 2
ADD TO CART (Paperback) - £11.99
BUY NOW (Kindle edition) - $9.99
"...an excellent pictorial guide to the use of clouds in predicting the weather, the best of its kind." Huw Lloyd-Hughes.
Have you ever seen a cloud formation and wondered what weather it will bring?
So many day to day activities are influenced by the weather that the forecast is critical in
deciding whether to take part.
This non-scientific, easily accessible book is for all those with an interest in the weather, and for whom making a more informed weather decision will enhance day-to-day pleasures.
Pilots, sailors, walkers, gardeners, golfers, anglers and many others will enjoy this book.
Read a sample page of the Pocket Weather Forecaster - Page 1
Read a sample page of the Pocket Weather Forecaster - Page 2
Read a sample page of the Pocket Weather Forecaster - Page 3
GRIB FOR SAILORS (CDROM or Kindle) 6th September 2010
"An essential guide for all sailors."
**CD includes free tutorial videos for using GRIB software plus other extras**
Modern technology has enabled sailors to gain access to a range of weather data, previously the exclusive preserve of professional weather forecasters.
You can now plot your own forecast charts of pressure, wind, waves, precipitation and temperature, for anywhere in the world, up to 14-days in advance.
This book explains GRIB data. Written in a simple, easy to read format, the book explains GRIB from the basics upwards. You'll learn what equipment you will need to receive the data, how to display weather information, what software you will need and how to interpret model data.
This really is the essential guide for all sailors who want to know more about receiving and interpreting GRIB weather data.
The book is published as a PDF document so that it can easily be used on board. It contains many interactive links to useful websites.
Please note that for security reasons it is not possible to print this book.
Read a sample page of GRIB for Sailors - Page 1
Read a sample page of GRIB for Sailors - Page 2
Read a sample page of GRIB for Sailors - Page 3
ADD TO CART - £14.99
Meteorology can seem like a black-art with the meteorologist producing forecasts that somehow seem to contradict what you are reading from the charts. The Sailor’s Book of the Weather takes the confusion out of the forecasts and helps you answer, ‘Why is that happening?’
The Sailor’s Book of the Weather introduces the key principles that influence the weather and gives the sailor the tools to forecast from observations and make the most of available information. Wind, clouds and knowledge of weather patterns and local conditions all contain ample hints to allow the informed forecaster to accurately predict the weather.
Illustrated with charts and over 100 photographs, this book is a must on every boat and essential reading whether you are on the water in land, on the coast or venturing further afield.
Read a sample page of the Sailor's Book of the Weather - Page 1
Read a sample page of the Sailor's Book of the Weather - Page 2
Read a sample page of the Sailor's Book of the Weather - Page 3
Purchase online
You can buy our books and DVD's online using your credit or debit card.
Book signing
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A postage & packing charge of between £1.50 and £2.95 is added to each order.
Books and DVD's are non-returnable once purchased.
If you have any difficulties you can always email us at office@weatherweb.net or call 01902 895252.